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Make the Watson the Coolest Building in Town

Help Us Turn Down The Temperature At The Watson and Make It The Coolest Building In Town

“The Coolest Building in Town” Campaign is now officially over.

Thanks to generous donations from many over the years and recently Westman Communications, Fusion Credit Union, and yet to be named local business we are on target to install heat pump technology in June of 2025! We are using their donations and our reserves from the generous Roger Watson donation from a few years ago to make this happen for next summer.

The Coolest Building in Town camapign is now officially over as we have exceeded our target of $12 000 and are now looking at using the excess funds to reduce the need to dip into reserves.

Donations are still being gratefully accepted by cash, cheque, e-transfer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or credit / debit.

Tax receipts will be issued and sent out in early 2025.

All donations over $50 will receive a tax receipt.

There are three levels for donating

  • $100- $199 Cool Cat
  • $200 - $499 Cooler Cat
  • $500+ Coolest Cat

All donations will be acknowledged online.

All donors will be in a draw for a concert set of four tickets for a concert of their choosing for the 2024-25 season.

We are accepting cheques, cash, debit or credit card at the Watson office. We will also accept e-transfer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Help us make the Watson “The Coolest Building in Town”

Thanks to our donors we are now over $16 000!

Coolest Cat Donors

Roncin Sound

Kirk & Michelle Nyquist

Christine Harapiak & Jean-Louis Guillas

Cam Bennet

Joan Smith

Action Realty

Murray Evans & Lei Sharratt

David Bosiak & Maggie Campbell

Corrina Abrey

Tyson Vandepoele

Adrienne Luke

Regent & Kathy Bellemare

Mark Tiefenbach

Sche Raz

Carol Schnittjer

Chris Carefoot

Kris Luke & Alan Luke

Forever Fun Dance Group

Nick Jewell Twin Motors

Cooler Cat Donors

Janine Daniluck

Victory Lane Auto

Mary Quick

Joan Davies

Mary Hudyma

Jim Crozier

Jerry & Terri Joss

Raymond Lundsted

Larry & Beverley Garton (Garton's Auction)

Mark Symchych

Trevor Sytnick

Jo Huddle


Hot Rod Welding (Tyler Halabisky)

Ryan Sinclair & Jess Southgate

Tom Carberry

Cool Cat Donors

Mavis Wood

Olga Clark

Bill Hart

Elizabeth Hart

Leif Bloomquist

George Mason