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Dauphin's Culture Days

Stay tuned for updates on Dauphin's Culture Days 2024, taking place in September-October!

Culture Days is our annual celebration of arts and culture in Dauphin. Our events are free to attend and include a participatory or behind-the-scenes element so you can learn about the art or culture being celebrated. Each of us has a creative spark inside us, and Culture Days is the time to give it some air. The slogan of this national program is CREATE, PARTICIPATE, and SHARE.

Our signature event is Yardfringe—a bike cavalcade throughout the city to encounter and participate in arts activities in new and unexpected locations. You might hear a concert on the balconies of a seniors complex, join a choir on the courthouse steps, learn new dance steps in Vermillion Park, or even come across an encampment of Viking reenactors. You will have a great day and you will meet actors, potters, quilters, macrame artists, knitters—and you may even discover your own creative impulse.

Culture Days has grown to be a three-week celebration of the arts. Events will take place around the city at the Dauphin Public Library, the Countryfest Community Cinema, local businesses, and especially at the Watson Art Centre.  If you are interested in getting involved, contact the Watson Art Centre and we will get you in on the fun!

Jean-Louis Guillas
Dauphin Culture Days, Co-Chair

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